
They Call Me the Cat Lady by Amy Miller


This book was not what I expected, in a good way. It was a relatively fast book with such an enchanting cover and that title that I expected a particular type to repeat itself. I settled down this rainy afternoon and before I knew it I was crying with it!

Nancy Jones is introduced to us as living in a decrepit house and lacking in human company. She holds down a job but her past is a mystery to us. This tale is how things start to change for her and how age-old grievances come into the open and some resolve themselves finally. Nancy is a protector of the suffering, in any form. She uses her empathy on everyone from people to animals. Her character is portrayed in such a raw manner that you do not necessarily feel bad for her, but you feel like yelling at the universe to set at least something right for her. The second half of the book, the universe will listen to you.

We are given a parallel look into Nancy’s past so that we can see how far her life has gone from what it used to be. There were a few scenes which I felt were superfluous to the emotional quotient of the story and although I saw the ending coming in one form or another, I still welcomed it for Nancy’s sake. The depth of her emotions and the relationships that she thinks she has with the people around her and the ones she actually does make for fascinating reading. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a heartfelt book with heart-warming situations and a whole lot of tears.

I received this book thanks to the Publishers and NetGalley and I am glad I got a chance to read this advance copy. The review is based completely on my own reading experience.

Book Depository : Affiliate link to purchase

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