Book Recommendations

Mid Year Stats 2019

Last year, after seeing quite a few stat posts by many other bloggers, I started from scratch and made a new sheet with all my reads till that point then tried to figure what I wanted to map and how. I made massive fun with it but it took me almost two whole days of work and left me with a headache. This year, I started earlier and this gave me a couple of days to work with but I negated that with wanting to draw way more comparisons. This last part is a careful accumulation of some interesting facts I saw in other blogs. I do not remember them individually, but for the most part, this has come together with all those inputs! I hope it is not overwhelming and that at least some people might find it as fascinating as I did.

My last year’s post was: Mid Year Stats – 2018. I might draw comparisons for a few things but not all.

From GoodReads:


Highest Rated book: 4.62 Oathbringer and avg rating 3.9 stars out of 5 for all my books

I apologize in advance for the extreme length of this list. I had a lot of ‘realizations’ when I saw the data out like this.


First I have the total tally of books read until June 15th 2019: 162. I felt like I read more this year, but it is lesser than last year’s 206.


I seem to have read more happily-ever-afters this year, last year my leading genre at this stage was Historical fiction.

My Nonfiction vs fiction continues to stay at the constant difference:(last year was better with an 86% fiction)


Once again the following percentages are lower than the previous year, which is funny considering that I was actively trying to read more male authors! the 74.69% is Female authors and the yellow is male and the green is when there are multiple authors of both.


Non-audio page count:


Book count vs genre with the gender of the author



Recently thanks to a fellow blogger I found out how to make this map. All this did was reinforce the fact that I read from a narrow market.

I had a lot of things on my mind the last few months and I did something stupid!!I thought I bookmarked her page in order to reference here but I did not and I feel truly embarrassed and I remembered the wrong blogger. Now if anyone reading this knows who in the last month or so shared (extremely helpfully I might add), I will apologize for forgetting her page and correct my mistake.


Audio total number of hours: 296hours = 12 days and sorted by narrator’s gender


No. of Books vs Position of the book in the series:1

Format of the books I read: A significant increase in ARC % as compared to all others.


How I accessed said books, once again the NetGalley trend overshadows everything else and I am not feeling guilty about the choice (not much anyway :D)


There were 29 books that I deemed the process of acquiring important enough to make the following table

Special reasons I picked up a book No. of such books
Bought the book after starting the ARC 2
Crime Classics Widget 2
Had the ARC of one book in series 4
Originally an ARC, found on KU 2
Rave reviews 7
Read another book by the author 12

I read only one translated work this time, from Spanish to English.

My ratings thus far:


Rating by Genre


Finally for the ratings: Ratings vs type of book. My endurance and ability to give five stars for ebooks seems to have improved.


Locations where the books were based:(slightly better than the author map I made)



Special mentions: Fantasy worlds and sometimes the whole world and one occasion of space.

Last but not least year of publication:




8 thoughts on “Mid Year Stats 2019”

  1. My my! 162 books in six months. Tell me how you read so much 😁😁
    Loved the idea of charts and graphs. 🙂
    (P.S. I hope this comment doesn’t end up in your spam folder. Almost all my comments on other bloggers’posts are ending up in spam folder. 🙄) P.P.S – no point in saying PS if the comment ends up in spam 😂😂
    Hope you are having a great time vacationing😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and I am!! I spend most of my time reading .. It’s fitted between everything else I do 😂😅 I’m starting to dnf more and that’s actually helped keep things fresh


    1. Thank you so much! Not all of the books are the same calibre but I don’t have any other day job so it’s pretty much all I do .. Audio books help for all the times in on the move!!
      I really had fun with the graphs I’m glad that shows😁😁

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s true, I don’t listen to audiobooks but I do listen to podcasts and can’t believe how much time it adds up to, you could get so much reading done that way! It definitely shows you had fun with it, and really impressive 👏

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely!! One of the main reasons I got hooked is because analysis indicated i was being too narrow.. I’m actively trying to broaden all those graphs that look lame… Especially male vs female author ratio the fiction vs non fiction is probably a lost cause !!
      The overview makes me rethink the purpose of my reading too! 😄

      Liked by 1 person

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