Fantasy, Historical fiction, Humour

When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb

Sometimes I stumble across a book that isn’t my usual read and enjoy it immensely for entirely unexpected reasons. This was one such book.

Firstly, the writing is brilliant. It was hilarious while simultaneously endearing the characters to me and me getting emotional for the situations everyone found themselves in. The adventure and repercussions swing between serious historical and wild randomness without compromising on the tone of the narrative as a whole. I kept trying to interest my husband with random paragraphs that obviously did not make much sense to him out of context.

The author includes an entire glossary of the Jewish words used throughout the book and this made it easy to ensure I understood things the right way.

An angel and demon are companions of a sort when the book begins. Although the demon has his own reasons for starting their travels, the reasons change as more and more people and information comes their way. In the background, a reader can imagine the actual immigration to the US from other countries and the tough situations people must have found themselves in all those years ago.

Lastly, there is heart in the centre of this story and I am only sorry that I did not get to this book sooner, it has been sitting on my virtual shelf for a while.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who finds either the review or the book’s blurb interesting.

I received an ARC thanks to Netgalley and the publishers but the review is entirely based on my own reading experience.

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