Chick lit

The Girls from Sandycove by Sian O’Gorman

There are some authors that I have come to rely on for a satisfying read. This is one such author. I try not to stay these books at night because I end up wanting to see how things pan out and end up losing sleep over it!

This would have been a full five stars if not for the additional love match which seemed extra to the tale. I was enjoying all the bonding everyone was doing until that point.

This is a story of mothers and daughters. Flora and her mother have been a team. So it is to her that she runs when her home situation falls apart. Kate gave up on a relationship with her mother years ago. It is to Flora that Kate runs when she finds herself in a fix. Kate’s mother follows soon after on her own accord as she feels like it’s high time she fixes her own relationship. The sorrow that Lola is experiencing has its own tale, something that helps her find a new start in life.

These women are strong and facing a few hiccups along the way. They encourage each other and move forward with their dreams. It is a very positive book with a lot of good people and a few terrible ones ( what’s a book without villains anyway).

I really enjoy the writing style and the kind of people I continue to encounter in this town. This is not a series in its true sense, but some people do figure in more than one book on the sidelines. Since I do not retain names for too long, I do not actively look for people I have previously read about. Basically, I would recommend picking this up even if you have not ventured into Sandycove before.

I received an ARC thanks to Netgalley and the publishers but the review is entirely based on my own reading experience.

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