Book Recommendations

Mega Stats 2020!

I decided to give myself a day or two to get this post ready, so I am publishing it on the 1st of the new year. It is a nice first post to start the year with (or so I hope). My longlists were published earlier and you can look them up if you have not already.

Happy New year to everyone reading this! I fervently wish for this year to be kind to everyone, especially those who need a break after the load of the year gone by.

I made two such posts which would make sense with this:

I read fewer books in the second half than the first – mostly because I was uprooting and moving across the globe (in a sense). Also, I have a few festering at the bottom of an unreviewed pile of read books which I will get to next year. I just reviewed enough to reach the arbitrary limit of 300 I had set on Goodreads.

This is, as always my longest post ever. I love putting it together (once I get started) and I am glad that I did not give into lethargy to skip it this year. If you like graphs and/or are curious about what my year in books looked like…this is EVERYTHING I could describe about it all.

My Fiction Vs Non fiction

has improved somewhat from last year’s but not from my Mid-year state (I was at 13% then)

Number of Books/ Genre

Cozy Mysteries beat out my earlier Chicklit genre!

Total number of Non-audio Pages read: 78236. Of these, when further divided by genre

Looks like it matches pretty well with the number of books, indicating a uniformity I have not previously encountered
Books/Genre Distributed by Gender: Not many surprises here either

The Author Gender

There has been a mild improvement in Male authors, with the numbers up by 6 as well as assorted authors (I read quite a few short stories this time around)

Nationality of AuthorFemale writerMale WritersMultiple assortment
Indian American2
Korean American1
New Zealander1

Translated Works: 17 ( I still am only reading in English)


Audio Count: 416 hours = 17 days and 7 hours. I was more than overjoyed when NetGalley introduced Audiobooks! – 43 books

This significant decrease despite the increase in options is solely due to lack of outside movement. My shopping/cycling/walking this year was lesser than the last year.

GenreKindle LibraryNetGalley
Chicklit1 (8)2 (19)
Drama3 (21)1 (9)
Dystopia1 (11)1 (9)
Fantasy3 (33)1 (10)
Historical Drama1 (9)
Historical Fiction1 (8)
Mystery4 (27)
Police Procedural2 (23)
Romantic Thriller1 (10)1 (10)
Thriller19 (200)
Uplit1 (9)
Genre/No.of books (hours)

No. of audiobooks by genre and gender of narrator

Once again I have read an almost equal number of standalones and books which are part of a series!

The position in a series and the no. of books I read. Looks like I started quite a few brand new series’! Yay me

I worked really hard to get my NetGalley ratio to 80% and it shows!

No. of Books by type and where I got them from

Special Reasons I picked up certain books
Blogosphere recommendation (4)
Bought the book after reading (1)
Originally an ARC, used KU (2)

I had a slightly better year than the last on an average

Ratings by genre and type, there is a very obvious trend here.

Where the stories were based:

Not much to takeaway from this graph in comparison to the last years but I continue to try

Multiple countries: 23, Europe as a whole: 4,Fantasy World:12, Space: 2, Dystopian world 2

Years of publication vs No. of Books: ARCs have shown their presence here!
When the story was based vs no. of books (future: 9 books)

Finally, The short stories I read and graphic novels fell under various other genres but I left them under the umbrella because there was nothing interesting to be dug from it (believe me I tried!)

I look forward to the next year and what it might hold!

My Long Lists:

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