Book Recommendations, Meme

NonFiction November Week 1: Year in NonFiction

My post for NonFiction November last year was: #NonFicNov Week 1: Year in Nonfiction.

Nonfiction November Week 1: Your Year in Nonfiction - featured image

Week 1: (November 1-5) – Your Year in Nonfiction with Rennie at What’s Nonfiction: Take a look back at your year of nonfiction and reflect on the following questions – What was your favorite nonfiction read of the year? Do you have a particular topic you’ve been attracted to more this year? What nonfiction book have you recommended the most? What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November?  

I started off this year well with non-fiction read, but lost my pace in between and read a lot more easy fiction books. So I will answer the “What I hope of getting out of participating in Nonfiction November” first:

I hope to get my zeal in reading more books our of my comfort zone, hunting out interesting works and finding some great recommendations amongst the other people who participate!

As usual my year in non-fiction is extremely varied. I do this on purpose because the variety makes me eager to explore and provides a lot of fodder for factoids. I have linked their reviews to the cover pages.

History (of different things)

Probably the topic I loved the most, digging into obscure information about the past under specific headings!

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Personal Anecdotes – memoirs

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Personal Anecdotes- Nature

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Food/Arts &Crafts

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19 thoughts on “NonFiction November Week 1: Year in NonFiction”

  1. I just loved In Love and Pajamas! I have added the Artisanal Bread Machine book to my TBR – I can make precisely two loaves of bread in mine and while they are good, I would like to add some variety this coming year. I also need to check out the Politics of the Potato!

    Enjoy your NFN!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the width of your nonfiction reading – did you have any others you couldn’t fit under those headings? I love the feeling of community in this month, even if my blog reader fills up and I can hardly keep up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do love the different direction this month takes my reading. Otherwise I tend to stick to faster easier reads.. This makes me want to challenge myself! Especially given that quite a few other ppl participating are in the same boat as me 😃

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha thanks ☺️
      The book is genuinely scary especially because it’s a question of what to do with the information.. But I’m guessing there may be more books like this now


  3. Oh my gosh, you always find such interesting and unusual reads, especially in nature and science! I’m adding Gone to my list, that really sounds so good. I’m curious about The Nature of Fear, of course that’s such an intriguing topic, but from your review I think I’d also be disappointed in it 😦

    I’m adding Taxi Tales to my list too…it sounds like a nice light, fun read I could use to break up some heavier reads.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 😃I actually am bad at staying on one topic 😂 and it shows.
      I have chosen a few more non fiction to read for the next year, looking forward to that as well. Nature of fear begins well, just wasn’t all that I hoped for. I did pick up a couple of factoids from it 😌
      Taxi tales was pretty straightforward,I wanted more! I am sure you’ll like it

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